Monday, November 1, 2021


What is child development?

             Child development describes the changes children experience as they grow older. As children grow physically, they also develop in their knowledge, skills, and behavior. Children's development covers the full range of physical, psychological, linguistic, and intellectual changes that occur from birth to adulthood. Parents and other adults, such as grandparents and child care providers, play important roles in children’s development. Parents are the very first teachers about their child.


02. Why is it essential to know about child development?

                     Future world can't function without children, they're the most powerful and vital element. Every person in society has a responsibility to look after children. An understanding of a child's social, emotional, and mental development will affect the total development of the child. As a result, they will have a better future, good health, and enhance their ability to learn. Children display a specific set of physical, psychological, and emotional characteristics and develop a particular set of skills. As parent, guardians, teachers and child care workers are really responsible for all the development of a child. Therefore they should learn and well appreciate the child development very well.




03. Areas of child development

                 There are certain tasks or developmental milestones that children in general can perform at a particular age, which are termed developmental milestones. Stages of development are closely interconnected. The development of physical, speech, cognitive, and intellectual skills of children gradually changes until adolescence. Changes in this area can allow parents to track a child's progress. Furthermore the lack of these milestones could be a sign of a condition linked to developmental disorders or genetics. In here I will discuss about the key areas in child development. We can mainly clarified five areas which are rally affect the child development.


1.       Physical Development

2.       Intellectual Development

3.       Language Development

4.       Emotional Development

5.       Social Development

                             Early childhood is a critical time to start building a strong foundation for children as they strive to reach their developmental milestones. In the first five years of every child's life, she or he will experience so many wonderful changes as they grow physically and mentally. It's important for parents to track where the child is developing. Children develop these skills or milestones across all areas of their development. That is why these fundamental areas are more important for every child.


                                              Physical development means the changes in size, shape, and physical maturity of the body, including physical abilities and coordination.

  Physical development of a child is very important of his or her whole development. It is the most readily visible of the child development domains. From birth to about age 1 or 2 years, children grow rapidly. They learn to smile, roll over, sit up, wave, clap, pick, babble and try saying some of few words like mother father. and also babies enjoying music, movements,  and doing some small games like peek- a-boo. Automatically they are developing their communication skills too. We can divide physical development as two parts,


Ø  Fine motor skills

Ø  Gross motor skills

A fine motor skill is the ability to move the smaller muscle groups in a child's hands, fingers, and wrists.  Movement of the arms and legs constitutes gross motor skills. These muscles enable babies to sit up, turn over, crawl, and walk.

Parents and caregivers can help develop a child’s motor skills at all ages. Some activities include,

·         Placing the baby on his or her tummy, and helping child to reach for a toy.

·         Putting a toy on the couch for child to stretch toward when she or he starts to stand.

·         Encouraging walking with a stroller that little one push.

·         Visiting playgrounds, where the child can climb, swing and slide.


2. INTERLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT (cognitive development)

      Intellectual development means the growth of a child’s ability to think and reason. It's about how they organize their minds, ideas and thoughts to make sense of the world they live in. Important tools of intellectual development are language and communication skills

The two main areas of intellectual development are,

·         Language development – helps us to organize thoughts and make sense of the world around us

·         Cognitive development – is about how we use our minds and organizes thinking to understand the world around us.







          A parent must be involved in their child's cognitive development as early as possible so that they will be prepared for school and later on in life. Child development involves a child's abilities regarding working memory and attention, along with their ability to react and manage their daily it’s really affected whole development of the child.


   Developing language skills is an essential part of a child's development and communication. Therefore language development also plays a vital role in child development. As the infant learns that a cry brings food, comfort, and companionship, he begins to communicate. During the first few months of life, newborns also begin to recognize important sounds, such as mother’s voice, father’s voice.



.                            Language skills are critical to children's ability to interact with their parents and peers, as well as to become a social being in later life. The development of language helps to enhance other aspects of development such as cognitive, social, and literacy. While every child has his or her own milestones for language development, by a specific age he should be showing certain behaviors.

The most important thing is that, parent can encourage the development of language skills with a child by interacting regularly, singing songs and reading simple stories. As a child grows, she can talk about her day or explain her likes and dislikes. A parent can play games with a child, such as naming objects or practicing concepts of direction; for example: in, out, over and through. Visiting a library encourages reading stories, and a parent can teach a child simple stories and rhymes to encourage repetition and language.



   A person's ability to recognize, express, and manage their own and others' feelings is known as their emotional development. A child's emotional development begins during infancy and continues into adulthood. When he or she discovers a range of emotions, it continues throughout life. Positive and negative emotions are formed largely in the context of relationships including those with parents, siblings, and peers. A smile, along with actions and sounds that indicate pleasure, is the first way an infant demonstrates emotion between six and ten weeks of age. A baby's behavior becomes noticeable at about six to twelve months, when he or she begins to communicate emotions like fear, disgust, anger, and sadness, informing parents or caregivers that they are experiencing discomfort or displeasure and need attention.




 Each child develops differently, having strengths in emotional competence can help children and adolescents cope effectively and  supportive relationships with families and peers. Moreover emotional development directly combined with the communication. (language development)




A child's social development refers to their ability to build relationships with others around them. Although the Children learn to interact with others through social development. As they develop personal identity and recognize themselves as an individual within community, they also acquire skills in communicating with other people and interpreting their actions. On the other hand Social skills allow children to establish positive relationships more easily, which contributes to their wellbeing.


Social development involves learning the values, knowledge, and skills that enable children to relate to others effectively and to contribute in positive ways to family, school and the community. As per my view I think social development is directly connected with language development as well as the emotional development. So it can actually impact other forms of development a child experiences. If the child is well developing his or her social relationships help to,

·         develop language and communication skills

·         build self esteem

·         resolve conflicts

·         establish positive attitudes

                            that features we can find trough socially.

Thursday, September 23, 2021



Children are the most vital group in society. The child is the most effective and crucial sequence of the future world. So every person in society will be responsible for children. Children's development covers the full range of physical, psychological, linguistic, and intellectual changes that occur from birth to adulthood. When children play, they get to exercise their imagination, explore, and make decisions. Play is the highest expression of human development in childhood, for it the freedom to play is the important figure of a child’s soul. Play is associated with the whole stages of child development.

                           Play is an activity that is enjoyable, spontaneous, and open-ended. “Play is like love; everybody knows what it is but nobody can define it” (Chance, 1979). As a result, one can define it as something children and young people do when they pursue their ideas and interests, in their way, and for their reason, without having adults dictate their actions to them. According to Albert Einstein “Play is the highest form of research”. Merriam Webster dictionary describes play is “activities that are done especially by children for fun or enjoyment”. The famous psychologist Jean Piaget notes, “Play is the work of childhood”. So we can finalize the play is the work of children. It includes activities engaging in behaviors, social attitudes, and motor movements and resulting in behavioral, emotional, and psychological rewards. It is child-directed, and the rewards are internal to the child and play is their window to the world. The National Association for the Young Children evaluate there are five components of play,

  • Children make their own decisions

  • Children are intrinsically motivated

  • Children become immersed in the movement

  • Play is spontaneous, not scripted

  • Play is enjoyable 


Children continue to engage in play throughout their childhood, but the way they engage in it and its purposes change as they grow. Having game plays a vital role in educating and influencing children, and psychologists offer diverse explanations as to why they play and its benefits. Play, according to Freud's psychoanalysis of play theory (1924), is responsible for the development of self-esteem. As a source of gratification, Erik Erikson (1950) suggests that play provides the child with the control he needs over his environment. Consequently, different psychological theories express the psychoanalytic, behavioral, and cognitive theories of play.


There are various types of play we can find with kids. Finally, we can finalize that; play is a child’s natural way of learning, and their test and practices new physical, mental, and social skills through play. It is directly affected the whole development stages which children are passing by.


Play is an important part of childhood development. It is mainly connected with all areas of child development. So as a child play is vital for her or his life. Play provides children with the opportunity to learn shapes, colors, cause, and effect, and they can also discover who they are. Play helps to nurture imagination and give a child a sense of adventure. During play, children learn about the world in which they live… they can problem solve, explore, create, imagine and figure things out. Play is also an ideal way for parents to bond with their children.

There are main reasons that why is play important as a child,


                I. Play builds imagination and creativity 

Play allows kids to stretch their imaginations. Making up games or getting lost in fantasy worlds is part of their fun. Children make their own rules and follow them as needed.

              II. play fosters cognitive growth

Play is crucial to healthy brain development. When kids play unstructured, they choose what to do and how to do it. They are not ruled by adults' schedules or activities. It helps child brain development positively. It strengthens and increases neural connections in the brain. These are the paths in the brain that we use for thinking.

            III.           Play delivers emotional and social development

 Play can develop positive social and emotional skills and values. Develop self-confidence by experiencing success and challenges. Develop empathy and fairness as they learn to play alongside and with other children. On the other hand, it affects cognitive development also like, problem-solving, the power of imagination and creativity concepts, and also, counting and letter recognition strengths such as concentration, persistence, and resilience they can develop while playing.

            IV.           Play can help physical development

                The need for Physical Play is very strong in children, which is any play that gets them moving. They learn how to use their muscles and the brain is strengthened as a result. Automatically they are doing exercise while playing, it helps to a healthy and fitness. Climbing, running, jumping, and hopping are some of the ways children use play as a way to enhance and develop their large muscles (Gross Motor Skills). The most important feature is that increases the motor skill ability and develops a greater balance of the body also. Talking with children about everyday activities, reading, telling stories, and singing together helps children learn new things about the world in which they live and to use this knowledge in conversation. Children need lots of time to explore, experiment problem solve, and play in a variety of ways, indoors and out. As parents or teachers and caregivers have a major responsibility for children to give opportunities to engaging play as they needed. 




  Healthy child development needs both outdoor and indoor games. The corona pandemic unexpectedly affects the toddler's play. This pandemic directly affects the whole development of child development stages. As an example, their daily routine changes with the pandemic situation. They can’t go outside, no more opportunity to play with friends, and the most noticeable fact is that child’s play area is now limited than before the pandemic. The best way for a family to bond is through a fun game. Parents can find some good things about Corona restrictions that a child can enjoy. When the pandemic is in quarantine, parents can stay with their children and take a break from their busy lives. As an example now the family has more time to do things together for the whole day, it is a priceless gift that every child got from this situation. Furthermore family plays an important role in every child’s life. So we can find good things do together with the family, and also it declines the stress of the child.  Play together with family makes powerful memories and life skills. I would like to suggest some games that we can play while the pandemic situation in a positive way.

01. Play with water

Water play is fun and educational. Every child loves to play with water. We can make various activities with kids. In the home, we can wash toys in the home garden with family members. We can fill some buckets full of water and we can give them chances to wash her or his toys let them do watering.

·        it affects the child’s gross and fine motor skills. (through actions like lifting, poring, carrying, running and many more)

·        It allows children to explore or find some discoveries. (problem-solving)

·        Develop language skills. (they learn lots of words while fun)

02. Organize some competitions in the family.

  As a family, we can organize some contests like art and craft exhibitions, cooking contests, and debates. Then children have morals to archive the target. On the other hand, it helps them to familiarize those events in the future.

·        Big opportunity to preparing them for wins and losses later in their future life.

·         Develop communication skills.

·         Increase creative thinking and problem-solving.

·         Cooking activities affect children’s cognitive development.

·         Develop motor skills.

03. Hide something sweet and we can create a treasure map for children to follow.

It would be really fun. Kids have a natural desire to investigate and discover. We can use this interest as a useful way. As it leads,

·        It is a good opportunity to learn and experience new things.

·         Gain a feeling of self-confidence and self-esteem.

·         Increase skills in observation and communication.

·         It introduces some special vocabulary like directions; symbol and it helps for the future perceptions.

               instead of that there are various types of fun family can do together. such as,

Fun Activities.

 • Freeze - Play some music and dance until the music stops. Ask everyone to freeze in the position they were in. Pose in specific postures they were in. Pose in specific postures to make the game challenging.

 • Land, Sea, Air - For this, you will need space to play, marked by various things. Divide your house into land and sea. When you call land, your child has to jump on land. When you call the sea, he has to jump on the floor. If you call air, he’ll have to jump as high as possible.

• Play Dough- Ask your child to create anything that he likes with play dough. You can also give him names of specific objects to the mound, which will improve his cognitive skills.

instead of those games, we can do ball pass, acting, singing, play badminton, play carom, watching movies as a family together and it helps to reduce the stress of this pandemic. Through cooperative, sharing, and conflict resolution activities, children learn cooperation, freedom, fun, self-expression, creativity, and self-confidence through play. As described in the psychological analysis of the play, all these qualities result in forming a person's personality. It will make lots of remarkable memories for a lifetime. This unexpected situation we can use as unforgettable experiences and memories as a miracle we had to do together. So let the child be the scriptwriter, the director, and the actor in his or her play.

A.W Buddhika Srimathi